「龍蝦樂園是我的創作世界,而我的龍蝦角色在此自由地生活。」— 菲利普 · 考爾伯特

白石畫廊台北空間榮幸呈獻英國普普藝術家菲利普 · 考爾伯特(Philip Colbert)的作品展《龍蝦樂園》(Lobster Land)。作為藝術家在台灣的首次個展,他將展示大型狩獵畫作及雕塑作品,回應流行文化中過度充斥圖像的風氣。這次展覽將於2020年2月29日開始持續展出至4月5日,開幕日期為2月29日,藝術家本人亦將出席。

獲喻為普普教父安迪 · 沃荷(Andy Warhol)的教子,考爾伯特引用彼得 · 保羅 · 魯本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)及安東尼·范戴克(Anthony van Dyck)等巴洛克藝術大師的史詩式敘事及英雄式佈局來創作,作品主題圍繞數位媒體中飽和的圖像文化,藉此延伸普普藝術的當代對話。如富藝斯副主席及策展人斯科娜 · 瑪奇(Svetlana Marich)所言:「藝術創作在短時間內被複製、二次創作,然後在複雜的網絡世界上取得大量讚好,然後又被新的議題取代,成為短暫且膚淺的人造文化。考爾伯特的作品不僅認同這個獨特現象,更巧妙地繞過它。他利用這個現象,將這種忽視圖像和風格的行為轉化成具象徵主義和諷刺意味的狂熱流行文化。」

菲利普 · 考爾伯特出生於蘇格蘭,現生活及工作於倫敦。畢業於聖安德魯斯大學(University of St Andrews),考爾伯特受到理查德 · 哈密爾頓(Richard Hamilton)、羅伊 · 利希滕斯坦(Roy Lichtenstein)及詹姆斯 · 羅森奎斯特(James Rosenquist)等早期普普藝術家的啟發,透過另一個自我「龍蝦」來敘述流行文化的當代藝術理論,同時融匯古典大師的繪畫風格,致力探索數碼文化模式及其與深層藝術歷史對話的關係,獲查爾斯 · 薩奇(Charles Saatchi)和西蒙 · 德 · 普里(Simon De Pury)等重要藝術界人士稱為當代普普藝術大師。國際知名品牌如勞力士(Rolex)、萬寶龍(Montblanc)、Christian Louboutin及COMME des GARÇONS等亦曾邀請考爾伯特聯名合作。



1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Tel: +886 2 8751 1185

Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday

More Info


菲利普 · 考爾伯特
Born in Scotland, Philip Colbert currently lives and works in London. Graduating from the University of St. Andrews, Colbert is inspired by early Pop painters such as Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein, and James Rosenquist. The artist explores the patterns of digital culture and its relationship with the art historical dialogue. By crossing high art themes from old master paintings and contemporary art theory with everyday symbols of contemporary culture, his works are narrated through the eyes of the Lobster's alter ego. Championed as a contemporary pop master by prominent art world figures such as Charles Saatchi and Simon de Pury, Colbert has collaborated with luxury brands such as Rolex, Montblanc, Christian Louboutin, and COMME des GARÇONS. As curator Svetlana Marich notes, "artistic endeavours are quickly copied, co-opted and commodified into superficial faux-cultural entitles which briefly trend before their likes fizzle out and the hive mind of the internet moves onto something new. Colbert's work not only acknowledges this strange phenomenon, but circumvents it entirely. He inverts the trend, commodifying this fast-paced disregard for imagery and genre into frenetic pop-culture landscape rife with symbolism and satire." His solo first solo exhibition in Hong Kong and Taipei was held at Whitestone Gallery in 2019 and 2020.

