KATSUYOSHI INOKUMA: Cosmic View of Earth
HK H Queen’s 8F
July 6 - July 29, 2018
Whitestone Gallery Hong Kong is proud to present “Cosmic View of Earth”, a solo exhibition by Katsuyoshi Inokuma. The exhibition will showcase a series of Inokuma’s acrylic and pastel paintings, including a brand-new eight-meter painting using his signature colour, ultramarine blue. Inokuma’s artistic approach is firmly rooted in nature. His ultramarine blue inspires a variety of resonance with universe in viewers. As time passes, the colour’s depth seemingly continues to expand, eventually seeping into deepest corners of the viewers’ mind. In recent years, the artist has been creating atmospheres of even profounder quietness, as if the entire image was engulfed by the silence of outer space.
Inokuma likes colours that evoke feelings of deep earth. Of all colours, blue has the greatest power to breakthrough, easy to resolve in the air, as it finally results in the blue of sea and sky. For the artist, blue touches people’s memories by connecting these two elements of the earth. It was in1990’s that Inokuma embarked on the present colour phase style structured by partitions and rectangles after discarding figurative representation. Inokuma sees this style as “a release from my binding”. Borrowing his own words, “it is not a means to transmit what I have to say, but rather an expression derived from the viewers’ resonance from the bottom of their heart”.
香港 / H Queen’s
Tel: +852 2523 8001
Fax: +852 2523 8005
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: 周日,周一