WU SHUANG: Whirling Light


2023.05.06 - 06.17


Whitestone gallery is pleased to announce “Whirling Light: WU Shuang Solo Exhibition”. WU Shuang was born in Chongqing in 1986 and is a young abstract expressionist artist. She studied at the Free Art School at the University of Kassel in Germany in 2007 and graduated from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2009. She continued her master’s degree and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2014. This exhibition is WU Shuang’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan. She creates artworks with the intention of becoming a feeler and recorder of this era, capturing the fleeting changes of light and life.


Color is a refracted image of light, an embrace of the eyes, and a purification of the soul.

Wu Shuang

In her artistic statement, WU Shuang suggests, “Art is like a healing placebo that leaves a mark in the torrent of history, facing the emotions, joys, and sorrows that humans have experienced. Art may not change anything, but it seeks resonance with human emotions, it exists truthfully and fills humans with hope.” WU Shuang’s works are filled with vibrant colors and powerful brushstrokes, but the artist believes that color does not exist in the world; rather, it is a refracted image of light, an embrace of the eyes, and a purification of the soul. For WU Shuang, painting is a process of creation from nothingness. “Dramatic plots in the artwork are hidden in the disorderly colors until colorful pieces emerge before my eyes. The canvas gives these pieces of light a shelter.”

Light and faith are the artist’s main concerns. WU Shuang is a constantly evolving artist. Her recent works became more poetic and experimental, often referring to her internal struggles and thoughts. Her works contain emotions that are both deep and broad, and she confronts these feelings, conveying them through colorful expressions, creating empathy with the audience. Beneath her seemingly free and unrestrained appearance lies a highly rational aspect. Her works require rigorous and profound reflection, and careful control to complete. WU Shuang's works represent her daring spirit and record the emotions of our era, giving hope to the viewers once again.

Awakening under the Stars | 2022, Oil on Canvas, 112 × 290


WU SHUANG: Whirling Light
2023.05.06 - 06.17


1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일
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