ARU: Dreams in the Starry Sky
2023.07.08 - 08.26
Whitestone Gallery Taipei is pleased to announce Dreams in the Starry Sky, a solo exhibition by artist ARU Meng. This exhibition features an adorable collection of Meng's latest paintings and sculptures. Becoming a mother has brought about a profound shift in Meng's perspective, allowing her to see the world and the universe in a fresh and insightful way. Through her artwork, Meng aims to explore this world from a perspective that is often overlooked or underestimated. Meng invites the audience to delve into the depths of their hearts and explore the simplest and most profound thoughts. This exhibition marks the artist’s second solo exhibition at the gallery, further showcasing her artistic journey and growth.

So for every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star.

The artist incorporates various round elements into her artwork, creating a captivating narrative of ARU's dreams in the starry sky. The concept of boundlessness is symbolized by the presence of round shapes, inviting the audience to immerse themselves in an experience of unlimited space, reminiscent of the vastness of the cosmos. Additionally, it is also the artist’s first time to do a large-scale wood sculpture. Meng has dedicated her spirit and energy to the creation of these sculptures, starting from the initial sketches to meticulously cutting wood, craving, examining and finally bringing these works to the completed form. In the artwork titled 'The Inner Universe of Aru', a universe is intricately carved within the sculpture, emanating an aura of boundless power. 'ARU's Pink Alien' portrays a multi-headed creature guiding Aru on a cosmic adventure. In paintings, there are various creatures in the paintings created this time by the artist, which explore in diverse landscapes, unveiling new dimensions of the universe with ARU.

2023.07.08 - 08.26
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일