리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인 리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인

리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인

리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인
리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인

리 웨이 와 리우 쯔인는 1980년생 조각 예술 파트너이다. 2010년 두 작가는 Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts를 졸업하고 각각 조각과 패션 디자인을 전공하였다. 이후 Li Wei는 2016년 Central Academy of Fine Arts에서 객원학자로 조소를 공부했다. 현재 이들은 베이징에서 거주하며 작가활동을 하고 있다. 그들의 작품은 강한 동양적 매력이 있으며 서양 조각의 예술적 본질을 통합하여 큰 긴장감이 부여된 독특한 예술적 언어를 창조한다. 리 웨이 는 ‘몸’, 리우 쯔인은 ‘형태’, 형태는 몸의 본질, 기(氣) 및 정신을 부여하고 몸은 형태에 부착된다. 두 사람은 상호 성장하며, 서로 얽힌 운명을 작품에 생생하게 표현한다. 그들은 현대 조각의 다양한 경험을 흡수하여 시각화 된 초월적 영적 명상을 달성하고 오감으로 느낄 수 있는 느낌을 감각적인 배색으로 직관적으로 표현한다. 이들 작품의 시각적 언어에는 동양 전통 예술의 정신과 우리 시대의 생생한 경험이 담겨있다. 이러한 작품의 시대의 특성은 우리 시대의 추구하는 이상을 반영하며 관객들에게 많은 공감을 불러 일으킨다. 두 작가의 작품은 Shanghai Long Museum, Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art, Nanjing Museum 등에 소장되어 있다.



Interwoven Souls: The Sculptural Art of Li Wei & Liu Zhiyin



LI WEI and LIU ZHIYIN: Whispers of the wind

2024.06.22 - 08.18



Spring Breeze Waits for No Man – The Works of Li Wei & Liu Zhiyin, Hi Art Center, Beijing
New Sculpture - Young Generation Sculptor, Hi Art Center, Beijing
New Sculpture - China Open, National Tennis Center,Beijing
Meeting You – Li Wei & Liu Zhiyin Solo Exhibition, Hi Art Center, Beijing
New Sculpture – Hi Art Center Opening Exhibition, Hi Art Center, Beijing
Singapore Art Expo, Singapore
Waiting Alone - Li Wei & Liu zhiyin’s Sculpture Solo Exihibition, Le Lutin, Shanghai
The Portrait in the Space – The 1st Parkview Green Festival, Parkview Green, Beijing
The 1st Xiamen Fashion Festiva,l Panji International Fashion Center, Xiamen
Fashion Top - 2nd Contemporary Female Art Invitation Exhibition Enjoy Museum of Art, Beijing
China Sculpture Yearbook Exhibition, National Grand Theater, Beijing
Art Beijing, China Agriculture Exhibition Center
The 1st Art Macao Venition Macao Conference Center, Macao
Hers? - Zero 1st Contemporary Female Sculpture Exhibition, Zero Art Center, Beijing
Innocent Time – Young Artist Group Exhibition, Raphael Gallery, Beijing
Return in A Visionary Way – Northeast Youth Artists Group Exhibition
Empty eyes - Chiese Sculputure Strengh Exhibition of 22 people, MR Gallery, Beijing
Future Passport - From Asia To The Whole World” Global Exhibition Tour Today Art Museum, Beijing
The Art Cares Life, Enjoy Museum of Art, Beijing
Personal Thinkers - Younger Artists’ Invitational Exhibition, Zero Art Center, Beijing
The 10th Oita Asian Sculputure Exhibition, Asakura Fumio Memorial Museum, Oita, Japan
Sculpture Activates Space and Art into Life -First National Public Good Vision Exhibition of Colloge Graduate, Changfeng Vision Art Gallery, Shanghai
Shanghai Art Expo and Younger Artists Promote Fair, Shanghai Mart, Shanghai
The 3rd Zeng Zhushao Sculputure Art Schoolarship Exhibition of Excellent works, The Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing
Space & Figure Power- Sculputure works Exhibitions, Zero Art Center, Beijing
Not In Reality - Younger Artists’ Invitational Exhibition 09’ Zero Art Center, Beijing
11th National Artwork Exhibitions, Changchun World Sculpture Park, Changchun
Non-moral / Reality - Shanghai Biennale of Animation Aesthetics, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai


Li Wei Born in Shanxi
Liu Zhiyin Born in Liaoning
Liu Zhiyin Graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Textile and Fashion Department, and have obtained a bachelor’s degree in literature.
Li Wei Graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Arts Department of Sculpture in 2006, and have obtained a bachelor’s degree in literature.
Liu Zhiyin Graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Textile and Fashion Department in 2008, and have obtained a master’s degree in literature.
Li Wei Graduated from LuXun Academy of Fine Arts Department of Sculpture in 2010, and have obtained a master’s degree in literature.
Now live in Dalian, Liaoning


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