
ホワイトストーン・ギャラリー銀座新館では、岡西佑奈個展『青曲 —そして始まりとしての紅畝—』を開催致します。前回の軽井沢ニューアートミュージアムで大成功を収めた個展『青曲』。幼少時より墨と格闘してきた岡西が、アクリル絵の具と邂逅。深遠なるブルーの世界を泳ぐ高雅なシルバーの曲線に活写された「サメ」。その個体数の激減により喚起される環境破壊の深刻さは作家を捉えて離さぬテーマであり、生命の一瞬の煌めきをタブローに封じ込めた世界観で深い余韻を残しました。

今展ではサメの地場である「ブルー」の世界に、原始地球を成すもうひとつの核であるマグマの「紅(あか)」が加わります。私たちを覆う地球のマグマは、そもそも人間の情熱の源泉であるはずだ。地球が奥底から放つ情熱が、大地や海、ひいては人間をはじめ生きとし生けるものを誕生させたのだから —『青曲』に次ぐシリーズ、『紅畝』が生まれた瞬間です。サメの優雅な翻りがシルバーの曲線ならば、一筋のマグマの閃光にふさわしいのはゴールドのエネルギー。それは生命の鼓動、或いは太陽の照射のように鮮烈な紅地を貫き、神秘的な力強さで圧倒します。


Ginza New Gallery


6-4-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan

Tel: +81 (0)3 3574 6161

Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday

More Info


Since she was seven years old, Yuuna Okanishi has dedicated to her life to calligraphy. For the artist, calligraphy is about the art of lines. She suggests that drawing lines is one of the best ways to represent the calligrapher's mentality, depending on the quality of lines, such as thickness, strength, gravity, and tempo. Working on calligraphy is linked to the artist's wish to world peace. Okanishi presents her series titled "Blue Songs" which are painted with acrylic instead of Japanese ink. She draws silver lines in blue, using a calligraphic technique in which she captured sharks' motions at a depth of 15 meters in the sea. By doing this, the artist depicts world peace with curvy lines, drawing a shark's elegant motions which can only be drawn by her calligraphic technique. In addition to the blue world as the home of sharks, the red in magma from her series "Red Sensation", represents another essential element of the formation of the earth.According to Okanishi, 'magma in the earth must be the source of human passion because the passion from the most profound depths of the earth gave birth to land, sea, humans, and all living things.' This connection has led to the Red Sensation series being showcased alongside Blue Songs. While the silver lines represent the sharks' swim, the gold lines depict a ray of light in the magma. Blue and red, sea and land, universe and energy — Okanishi shows deference to the earth's harmony and its unusual existence which presides over human lives; she never stops taking inspiration.

