この度、ホワイトストーン・ギャラリー軽井沢では、軽井沢ニューアートミュージアムにて開催中の『靉嘔 レインボー 88』展の関連企画として、『靉嘔版画 by Kenryo Sukeda』を開催いたします。
銅版画、リトグラフ制作を経て、1960年代中頃からはレインボーの色彩を表現するのに最適との思いから、シルクスクリーンの制作に取り掛かります。刷りは故・岡部徳三、助田憲亮のふたりの刷師が担当する共同体制をとり、靉嘔のスクリーン版画はすべてこのふたりによって制作されてきました*1 。  


Karuizawa Gallery2


1F / KARUIZAWA NEW ART MUSEUM, 1151-5 Karuizawa, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0102, Japan

Tel: +81 (0)267 46 8691

Opening Hours: 10:00 – 17:00 (October – June) , 10:00 – 18:00 (July – September)
Closed: Tuesday(August has no holidays)

More Info



Ay-O, known as the "rainbow artist", for his use of colorful, rainbow-striped motifs in his artwork to break through the constructs of painting. Other aspects of Ay-O's activities include experiments with tactile and other perceptual art, events with the international avant-garde art movement Fluxus, and printmaking throughout his life. His choices in various places of different environments, makes him a precursor of today's Happenings and installations. The "Hydrā", made in 1961-62, is a device made of a cylindrical aluminum body with light bulbs situated within six lanterns, and is associated with the multi-headed serpentine in Greek mythology. The light bulbs inside the lanterns, emit an artificial light and the upward airflow generated by the heat acts on the propellers causing the mounted lanterns around the shaft, to rotate in a natural phenomenon. The light overflowing from the lanterns reflects on the movement of the rotating lanterns. It then transfers on to the main body of the work, the aluminum plate, creating a fluid pattern reminiscent of intertwining snakes in a light spectacle on the walls and ceiling of the exhibition room. "Hydrā" is installed in the first half of the 5th exhibition room and every object located within the space is enveloped by the light created by this device, becoming a piece that is part of Ay-O's environmental art.


