Chris Succo: Recent Paintings
2023.05.06 - 06.17
Whitestone Gallery Taipei is pleased to present Chris Succo: Recent Paintings, which showcases his new works made from 2022 to 2023, including two series of White Paintings and Stick Paintings. This is the second solo exhibition of Succo in Taipei.
Chris Succo started his first White Paintings in the beginning of 2010. The manual layering of paint and the painterly realm’s inherent sculptural dimension prompt this multidisciplinary artist to use painting as his artistic practice. Succo has developed a unique technique. He primes with spray paint before using thick white oil paint, and canvases are filled with tense strokes and show a kind of tension in these works. Through using white oil paint, Succo deliberately restrains the impact of other colors and the colorful background is transformed into a subtle undertone supporting the gestural, dynamic painting surface.

Succo’s painting practice evocative of lyrical abstractions blurs and honors the medium’s history by exploring and meshing materials, composition, and line.

The works Shadows (2023) and Heavy Liquid (2022) in this exhibition demonstrate Succo’s outstanding techniques. Succo collaged other spray-painted canvas on surface, which seems to put the strong gestural painting on canvas again. These roughly cut scrapes made with transparent spray and delicate textures contrast with the colors they have been embedded. It also shows Succo’s delight in experimenting on contrasts of materials.
The works Shadows (2023) and Heavy Liquid (2022) in this exhibition demonstrate Succo’s outstanding techniques. Succo collaged other spray-painted canvas on surface, which seems to put the strong gestural painting on canvas again. These roughly cut scrapes made with transparent spray and delicate textures contrast with the colors they have been embedded. It also shows Succo’s delight in experimenting on contrasts of materials.

In the Stick Paintings, Succo’s skillful and vigorous application of oil stick creates numbers of lines, strokes, swirls and patterns on canvas. Like an archeologist’s excavation, the artist seems to use his hands to strip images away layer after layer, and then produce fabric-like textures and entangled surfaces. This large-scale series shift in diverse styles and media but still presents a consistency with a single color. In the spirit of Abstract Expressionism, Succo’s rapid strokes and gestural curves celebrate the limitless potential of paint and canvas.

2023.05.06 - 06.17
Tel: +886 2 8751 1185
Fax: +886 2 8751 1175
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Sunday, Monday, Public Holiday